Love letters in three rows

Our distance is not far away

Just two dimensional and three dimensional distance

Tears slide down


I am you

You are me

We are one


Your practical jokes

I was deliberately move

Because I want to see your smile


I saw you

You smiled warmly

The world began waking up


Without you

However beautiful the city is

It is just null


One sight


but lonely one

Would you date a girl with a tattoo?

Has a tattoo ever made a woman more attractive, I just think so.


I like the tattoos. I think they actually look really cool. I, myself LOVE neck tattoos. Men with writing on their neck look cool.


Ancient Romans found no reason to celebrate tattoos, believing in the purity of the human form. Except as brands for criminals and the condemned, tattoos were banned. But over time, the Roman attitudes toward tattoos changed.


Fighting an army of Britons who wore their tattoos as badges of honor, some Romans came to admire their enemies’ ferocity as well as the symbols that represented it. Soon Roman soldiers were wearing their own body marks; Roman doctors even perfected the art of application and removal.


Tattooing has been practiced in Japan-for beautification, magic, and to mark criminals-since around the 5th century B.C. Repressive laws gave rise to the exquisite Japanese designs known today. Restricted from wearing the ornate kimonos that adorned royalty and the elite, outraged merchants and the lower classes rebelled by wearing tattooed body suits. Covering their torsos with illustrations that began at the neck and extended to the elbow and above the knee, wearers hid the intricate designs beneath their clothing.


Viewing the practice as subversive, the government outlawed tattoos in 1870 as it entered a new era of international relationships. As a result, tattooists went underground, where the art flourished as an expression of the wearer’s inner longings and impulses.


“Tattooing is enjoying a big renaissance around the world,” says Chuck Eldridge of the Tattoo Archive in Berkeley, California. “Native American women in the Northwest are wearing chin tattoos again, reviving a cultural practice from centuries before the white man arrived. And, in answer to health concerns, artists in the South Pacific are slowly changing to modern equipment.”


Would you date a girl with a tattoo?


Single Life

I am still single, I often though if it is because I am not good enough or I am not so friendly? I just searched on internet and heard from my guys, now I am here today show you guys maybe some reasons why you are still single just like me.


You are swamped.

Life gets really busy sometimes. A relationship is a big investment in time, energy, and emotion. What good is a partner if you’re too busy to spend any time with them? You might re-enter the dating arena after the dust settles, but for now your need for achievement trumps your need for companionship.


You value your independence.

The best couples understand that alone time isn’t just a nice thing to think about, but rather a necessity. Mentally strong people are not afraid of alone time. You can have a relationship and maintain your independence; but any relationship is going require some level of compromise. If you’re not ready for that level of commitment, or want to maintain full independence in your decision-making, that could be why you are still single.


You work nights or weekends.

I understand this one, because I work in the entertainment industry, but men who are looking for wives don’t think of bartenders and DJs as good material, and women looking for husbands don’t exactly think nightclubs are great places to meet one. More importantly, not having the same schedule is a huge strain on a relationship. I would never give up my passion or change my career for someone, but nights and weekends are when most people are free to spend time together. It’s a tough one to work out.


You need to figure yourself out.

If you’re going through a big life change—like going to a new school, starting a new job, living in a new city, or [insert your new and exciting thing here]—that could be why you are still single. It is unwise to invite a new partner into your life if you have a lot of house-cleaning to do. Take your time while settling into your new situation: love will be waiting for you when you’re ready.


You have unrealistic expectations.

Let’s be honest. Perfection doesn’t exist and real people have real flaws that extend past a Jessica Alba-type girl-next-door, who’s awkwardness and clumsiness are her only shortcomings. Real life has messy, dirty, hard-to-deal-with issues, and you’re not perfect either. So stop holding on to some Hollywoodized ideal. People are real and a lot of their beauty is in those imperfections. Find a good one and hold on to them.



The lead scientist on an e-cigarette study that sparked a wave of controversy has issued a correction clarifying the study did not find e-cigarette vapor was as harmful as cigarette smoke.


Dr. Jessica Wang-Rodriguez was the lead researcher on a study published in “Oral Oncology” that claimed two e-cigarette products “damaged cells in ways that could lead to cancer.”

The study received a shower of criticism for not representing any real world e-cigarette use.


It is essentially impossible to prove. We know what’s in the vapour and we know the environmental exposure limits for each component (where they are considered worrying enough to have a limit). We can do studies on the short-term impact on things like cardiac activity and blood pressure (both good news for vapers on the data collected to date).

We can say with near certainty that vaping is considerably safer than smoking and it is inconceivable that it could be worse – there’s nothing in vapour that isn’t present in higher quantities in smoke apart from a few flavour chemicals that factory workers have been breathing in for decades.

It is possible that vaping will identify additional risks from some flavour chemicals that have not been noticed in factory workers yet, but it is extremely unlikely to be a very serious risk – even diketones are low enough risk to be comfortable with allowing people to make their own informed choice rather than an outright ban.

The health of vapers will be studied in many different ways over the next couple of decades and we will undoubtedly learn more from that than we can possibly know now. But we can be almost certain that the news will be good and that new risks identified will likely be avoidable ones, rather than something which makes vaping fundamentally unsafe (using a meaningful threshold for ‘unsafe’ compared to smoking)


PS: Will your e-cig set off a smoke detector in a plane?

Fire alarms in planes are extremely sensitive. Most if not all airlines do not allow you to use standard e-cigs in planes (although some airlines do sell vapourless versions).

As we saw earlier, some people have spent a night in jail for using an e-cig on Qatar Airways. That was an extreme example, but you could easily have your e-cig confiscated, have to pay a hefty fine or even be added to a no-fly list. In the UK you are not allowed to vape on most trains or buses either.

Plus-Size Model

Maybe in your mind, all the models are hot and sexy and thin. Just like this pic.


But have you think about there are also some plus-size model as hot as the skinny one. The 29-year-old Mississippi-born supermodel said: ‘To me it’s just a word, but it wasn’t until I discovered the body positive community that I became OK with it’.


Plus-size body activist Tess Holliday, pictured here in a modeling shot for Yours Clothing, has revealed that she is fine with being called fat, saying that it is ‘just a word’

‘I’ve been called fat my whole life. I am fat, so it’s kind of silly to get mad about it.’ Mississippi-born supermodel said.


The curvaceous beauty made history in January by becoming the first model of her size to be signed by a top agency – British company Milk Model Management.


‘if someone’s hurting you and making you feel bad’ then they ‘shouldn’t be in your life’. She said.


Tess is becoming a power force in the modelling world and has starred in campaigns for the likes of Benefit, Simply Be and Yours Clothing, above.

Love letters in three rows

wherever you go
whatever you do
l will be right here waiting for you


I love three things: the sun ,the moon and you.
the sun is for the day ,the moon is for the night
and you forever


I don’t know the passion until I met you
I don’t know the sorrow until I left you
But now I do know the love when I cherish you




When you love somebody
You don’t need proof
You can feel it



I always remember that day,
when I met you
I love you

Turning travel into a lifestyle

I am Ruby Jones, who has lots of hobby. Such as travelling. For me, it’s an enriching experience, as I suspect it is for most people who’ve made it a part of their lives.


I am the architects of my own reality and I am here to inspire you to create a happier life for yourself. Happiness comes in many forms, but for me, I find joy through travel and eye-opening experiences.



I love photography, tasting international foods, practicing yoga, trekking over mountains, laying on beaches, eating chocolate and drinking copious amounts of red wine.



I am here today write this essay to share my advice, secrets and stories of travelling to show how you too can turn your travels into a lifestyle! Hope you can also try new things in life!



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